Sugar Mill Seasons
A coming-of-age story about four sisters whose comforting yet rigid world revolves around their village and an officer’s colony at a sugar mill. They enjoy gossiping about the officers’ wives who have employed them as maids, celebrate religious festivals with whatever means they have, and desire to be like the heroines in the latest movie posters. But only as long as they stay within the norms of society and become mature wives and mothers when it is time. When the most stubborn and most educated sister trails behind in grabbing the opportunities that allow them to move up in their perpetual society, does she regret her decisions? Does she just accept her fate, or try to change her destiny and threaten their sisterly bond?
Set in the 1990s in northern India where only drab tan-colored villages dot vast fields of sugarcane, this colorful narrative will take the readers on a journey filled with joy and despair of the sisters and the families associated with them.
When Stamps Delivered Magic
When Liam fails in his attempts to get his hands on dad’s stamp collection, his resolve to do so only grows stronger. One night he stumbles upon the stamps’ quarterly meeting where they are sharing stories about their designs and country of origin. Or was it just a dream?
Stamps help deliver mail all around the world. But can they deliver speeches? Can they also deliver magic? Travel with Liam inside this secret meeting and find out for yourself!
Name Place Animal Thing
‘Name • Place • Animal • Thing’ is a popular game in some parts of the world. It is fast-paced and easy to play with 2 or more players. This book contains our fun words for each category. The illustrations are done with marker pens for all letters of the alphabet. We hope you enjoy it.
My Magic Wand
Who wants a magic wand? A wand that can swish and jab and flick? Liam wishes for his magic wand to win games and do his chores. Little does he know that the magic wand is in plain sight. He just needs to look for it. Will you help him find it?
When I got into medical school, I didn’t know what a magical journey I was going to have. There were groups of classmates, textbooks and libraries, pills and potions, flowing robes, and even snowflakes. But this was no Hogwarts...just a cold grey basement at University of Buffalo’s School of Medicine. What swirled warmth and colors into four long years– those are the stories this book holds. It is a collection of emails I wrote to family and friends from 2005 – 2009 as a medical student.